What Are The Greatest Changes In Shopping In Your Lifetime

What are the greatest changes in shopping in your lifetime? So asked my 9 year old grandson.

As I thought of the question the local Green Grocer came to mind. Because that is what the greatest change in shopping in my lifetime is.

That was the first place to start with the question of what are the greatest changes in shopping in your lifetime.

Our local green grocer was the most important change in shopping in my lifetime. Beside him was our butcher, a hairdresser and a chemist.

Looking back, we were well catered for as we had quite a few in our suburb. And yes, the greatest changes in shopping in my lifetime were with the small family owned businesses.

Entertainment While Shopping Has Changed
Buying butter was an entertainment in itself.
My sister and I often had to go to a favourite family grocer close by. We were always polite as we asked for a pound or two of butter and other small items.

Out came a big block of wet butter wrapped in grease-proof paper. Brought from the back of the shop, placed on a huge counter top and included two grooved pates.

That was a big change in our shopping in my lifetime… you don’t come across butter bashing nowadays.

Our old friendly Mr. Mahon with the moustache, would cut a square of butter. Lift it to another piece of greaseproof paper with his pates. On it went to the weighing scales, a bit sliced off or added here and there.

Our old grocer would then bash it with gusto, turning it over and over. Upside down and sideways it went, so that it had grooves from the pates, splashes going everywhere, including our faces.

My sister and I thought this was great fun and it always cracked us up. We loved it, as we loved Mahon’s, on the corner, our very favourite grocery shop.

Grocery Shopping
Further afield, we often had to go to another of my mother’s favourite, not so local, green grocer’s. Mr. McKessie, ( spelt phonetically) would take our list, gather the groceries and put them all in a big cardboard box.

And because we were good customers he always delivered them to our house free of charge. But he wasn’t nearly as much fun as old Mr. Mahon. Even so, he was a nice man.

All Things Fresh
So there were very many common services such as home deliveries like:

• Farm eggs

• Fresh vegetables

• Cow’s milk

• Freshly baked bread

• Coal for our open fires

Delivery Services
A man used to come to our house a couple of times a week with farm fresh eggs.

Another used to come every day with fresh vegetables, although my father loved growing his own.

Our milk, topped with beautiful cream, was delivered to our doorstep every single morning.

Unbelievably, come think of it now, our bread came to us in a huge van driven by our “bread-man” named Jerry who became a family friend.

My parents always invited Jerry and his wife to their parties, and there were many during the summer months. Kids and adults all thoroughly enjoyed these times. Alcohol was never included, my parents were teetotallers. Lemonade was a treat, with home made sandwiches and cakes.

The coal-man was another who delivered bags of coal for our open fires. I can still see his sooty face under his tweed cap but I can’t remember his name. We knew them all by name but most of them escape me now.

Mr. Higgins, a service man from the Hoover Company always came to our house to replace our old vacuum cleaner with an updated model.

Our insurance company even sent a man to collect the weekly premium.

People then only paid for their shopping with cash. This in itself has been a huge change in shopping in my lifetime.

In some department stores there was a system whereby the money from the cash registers was transported in a small cylinder on a moving wire track to the central office.

Some Of The Bigger Changes
Some of the bigger changes in shopping were the opening of supermarkets.

• Supermarkets replaced many individual smaller grocery shops. Cash and bank cheques have given way to credit and key cards.

• Internet shopping… the latest trend, but in many minds, doing more harm, to book shops.

• Not many written shopping lists, because mobile phones have taken over.

On a more optimistic note, I hear that book shops are popular again after a decline.

Personal Service Has Most Definitely Changed
So, no one really has to leave home, to purchase almost anything, technology makes it so easy to do online.
And we have a much bigger range of products now, to choose from, and credit cards have given us the greatest ease of payment.

We have longer shopping hours, and weekend shopping. But we have lost the personal service that we oldies had taken for granted and also appreciated.

Because of their frenetic lifestyles, I have heard people say they find shopping very stressful, that is grocery shopping. I’m sure it is when you have to dash home and cook dinner after a days work. I often think there has to be a better, less stressful way.

My mother had the best of both worlds, in the services she had at her disposal. With a full time job looking after 9 people, 7 children plus her and my dad, she was very lucky. Lucky too that she did not have 2 jobs.

What Gardening Equipment You Need to Pursue Your Hobby

Gardening for a greener, healthier and more habitable America is one of the causes promoted by the National Gardening Association. The organization is encouraging everyone to pursue gardening as a job or hobby. You can do it, too, if you know how to start your own garden. However, you need to consider a few things first to determine what type of garden you can create. Some of the things that you need to look into are location, gardening equipment, type of soil, gardening tools, supplies, and more.Some people opt to grow annual and perennial plants in places where these plants are suitable, while others opt to start a vegetable garden that is maintained as an organic harvest. These types of gardens are often found in suburban homes. These are often cultivated with the parent’s desire to add more nutrition into the meals of their kids every day. The vegetable garden is a good way to ensure that you will have fresh harvest that is easily within reach.To make this garden productive, you need basic gardening equipment. The necessary equipment and tools can help you put your gardening plans into fruition.Protective Gardening GearWhile you are outdoors toiling on your garden, you need to wear protective gear. By wearing the right gear, you will be protected from the dirt, germs, mud or other harmful stuff that could come from gardening. However, you might be a bit worried at first thinking about the additional cost of having to buy protective clothing and other necessary gears. You don’t need to worry at all because the equipment that you need are not really expensive. Wearing the right gear is also more cost-effective rather than wearing and damaging your trainers, shoes or flip-flops while gardening. By having on a pair of heavy-duty wellington boots or gardening tools, your shoes will be completely protected from soil, gravel, stones, sturdy roots, falling tools, muddy grounds after heavy rains, and other conditions that could put you in danger.There are several garden shoes to choose from, but the sturdiest brands would be your best choice. You can also wear gardening aprons with pouches and pockets that can hold your hand tools, plant labels, seed packets or garden twines. They can also secure your mobile phone and other important personal times while you are gardening. Gardening gloves can protect your hands from cuts, and you can choose among the lightweight and heavy-duty types.Additional Gardening EquipmentThere are garden equipment kits that you can order online. Some good kits include trowel, transplanter, hedge shear, weeder, narrow trowel, knee pad, edging knife, pitch fork, hose nozzle, water stop, adjustable metal hose nozzle, water tap adaptors, and more. You may also buy a tool seat consisting of a chair and tool kit.Garden AccessoriesFun garden accessories are available to make your garden look even more beautiful and functional. You can choose from automated sprinklers, patio heaters, bird houses, greenhouse vents, basket and trugs, carts and containers, seed tray, rain water butt, sprayers, and others.

Ten Great Uses For Payday Loans

If you are in need of quick cash for a short-term loan to get you through to your next payday, then a payday loan may be right for you. These are different than long-term loans, which are usually needed for large purchases, such as a car or a home improvement project. Instead, these are short-term loans, or payday loans, which are designed to help individuals when their next paycheck just can’t come quickly enough.The majority of payday loans range from $100 to $500, and most payday loans have a short timeline, usually less than two weeks.Payday loans are used for a variety of household and personal expenses, and they are ideal for those individuals that may not have available credit or other means of acquiring cash for the short-term.The following list details the most common reasons individuals seek payday loans:1. Groceries – There are a few things that we simply cannot live without; groceries are one of them. Have you ever paid all of your monthly bills only to find out that you didn’t leave enough for basic, household items and food? If so, then a short-term payday loan may be right for you.2. Gas Money – With the rising cost of gasoline, many hardworking individuals have experienced a hard time paying their bills and putting gas in their cars. The bottom line for most people is that no gas equates to no job. We all need to put fuel in our vehicles so that we can get back and forth between work, pick our children up from school, and run errands, for example.3. School Lunch Money – You don’t get paid until next week and you find out that your children’s lunch money is due tomorrow! What do you do? If credit is a problem and your bank account is tapped, you may want to consider a payday loan to provide your children with money for their school lunches.4. Utilities -If your gas or electric bill is due and you don’t have a paycheck coming until next week, you may want to consider a payday loan to pay your utility bill and make sure that you don’t lose your utility service because of non-payment. This will also keep your credit report free of late payment marks.5. Car Payment – Just like gas money, you need your car to get you back and forth from work, among other things, and you can’t afford to have it taken away because of non-payment. Because of this, you may want to consider a payday loan to cover your car loan until your next paycheck.6. Rent – Don’t let your landlord continue harass you for your rent money when you know you won’t have it for a couple weeks. Instead, get your landlord off your back by taking out a short-term payday loan to cover your rent.7. Car Repair – If your car isn’t running, it isn’t doing you much good. If you car needs repairs and you simply don’t have the cash to cover it, you may want to seek a payday loan to get your car up and running.8. Medical Emergency – Medical co-pays, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses related to a medical emergency are certainly a must when dealing with a serious situation. A payday loan will help to pay these expenses until you receive your next paycheck.9. Personal Goods – Personal goods, such as toiletries, medications and diapers, are often not thought of as necessary, except when you are without them! Payday loans are a great way to provide you with extra cash to cover these incidentals until your next paycheck.10. Household Goods – What do you do if your refrigerator breaks and you don’t get paid until next week? A payday loan can come in very useful in these types of tight financial situations.When you have an emergency or basic needs that must be fulfilled, a payday loan is a great way to manage your expenses before your next paycheck is cut.